samedi 7 février 2015

Herzog: Netanyahu speech “endangers the security of Israeli citizens”

Isaac (Buji) Herzog, Head of the “Zionist Camp” party, called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today (Sat) to cancel his speech in front of the US Congress. “This speech was born in sin as an elections production, and is endangering the security of Israeli citizens and the special relations between the countries,” Herzog stated during meetings with leaders at the Munich conference.
“In conversations with many European and America leaders, there is great fury due to the fact that Netanyahu has diverted the discussion on the Iranian nuclear program for his political needs and turned it into a confrontation with the American President,” said Herzog. “The time has come for Bibi to announce he is cancelling the speech. Bibi must act as an Israeli patriot and not throw Israel’s security under the wheels of the elections bus."
On the backdrop of US Vice President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will not be attending Netanyahu’s speech in front of the US Congress, Netanyahu was also attacked by “Yesh Atid” Chairman, Yair Lapid. “The Prime Minister is severely damaging relations with the United States,” Lapid stated at a cultural event in Kiryat Bialik, in the north of Israel. “Bibi managed to quarrel with the White House in order to gather a few more votes for the elections."
Tzipi Livni, Chairwoman of the “Hatnuah” party, who joined forces with Herzog in order to create the Zionist Camp, stated that Biden’s decision “shows to what an extent Netanyahu thinks of his personal benefit rather than that of the country.” She added that “the Prime Minister laughs when he sees the relations with the United States deteriorating."
Knesset member Shelly Yachimovich, also part of the Zionist Camp, called the speech “a rolling political terror attack,” and said that it was “a finger in the eye of the United States President.” Yachimovich called on Netanyahu to give up the speech: “This is a questionable political bonus which is creating a deep rift with the American administration. If he is afraid of being mocked, I promise him that we will not share it in a political campaign."

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Terrorism is a complex phenomenon—in its motivations, its modus operandi, and its outcomes. In addition to attributes that are common to ter...